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ISO & ISM & ISPS and Environmental Auditing


As internal auditors we will represent the quality management on board for ISM, ISPS , MLC  and environmental matters.

We conduct the audits, verifications and appraisal  for the shipping company as per  standard auditing principle.

As an external ISPS auditor we strive to achieve the highest degree of compliance  to the company security policies in accordance with ISPS guide lines, providing you with unbiased opinion on the degree of implementation at company and ship’s level of the requisite codes.


Draft Survey


The draft survey is the calculation of the weight of cargo loaded to and/or unloaded from a ship, based on measurements of changes in its displacement.

The accuracy of a draft survey becomes a very important issue if the cargo loaded to and/or discharged from a vessel does not match the weight from shore scales.


Completed draft survey reports are evidence to prove that the weight figures that are delivered are the same weight and/or quantity as was received on board at the port(s) of loading. This is prima facie evidence of the weight and/or quantity actually shipped/loaded on board the vessel.



On-Hire/Off-Hire  Condition Survey


When the vessel is delivered into a charter, or redelivered from a charter a survey is usually required.

Survey report  should include an accurate description of a vessel’s cargo spaces (holds, gears, cargo tanks, ballast tanks, deck and appurtenances). The on-hire/off-hire survey will also determine the extent of the damage, which may have occurred to the ship between the commencement and termination of charter. 


On-Hire / Off-Hire Bunker Survey


On-board bunker quantities are important in business operations for all involved parties. These help personnel make the right financial decisions for supply locations and quantities.


If discrepancies or differences arise in a bunker delivery operation, an experienced Surveyor should be able to find the error, if any, or to give out the right figures for third party agreement. A bunker survey may be requested as part of on-off hire process or as a stand alone survey.



Bunker Quantity Witnessing (BQS)


When the bunker is supplied on board, the party supporting the financial investment want to make sure that the quantities are actually received and that procedures are followed. A "witness presence—eyes and ears" of the principals is needed at all times and on-the-spot reliability is necessary.


Maximization of Cargo Loaded


Loading the maximum possible quantity on board in order to meet contractual quantities and/or draft restriction is important for business efficiency in today’s market. We understand this requirement, and with our background and experience we make it happen. We represent you in the field and treat the financial requirements as our own. Loading maximum quantity to meet the optimal weight, volume and draft restrictions will have a  financial impact for the party we represent.


Cargo Stowage and Securing Annex 13


Even with today’s technology, transportation at sea can be dangerous. Serious accidents have happened as a result of inadequate securing arrangements on board and deficient stowage/securing of cargoes in containers.

 Only good stowage and proper securing of cargo on adequately designed and properly equipped ships can prevent the occurrence of accidents.


Proper pre-calculations of forces and detailed inspection of certified lashing equipment will ensure a safe and efficient maritime adventure.


We are the certified  Annex 13 specialists and we can assist various parties in ascertaining a safe and proper stowage.


Petroleum Loss Control


Our staff can provide valuable insight in the planned and controlled reduction in cargo losses caused by various factors associated with the movement of crude, oil products, chemicals and liquefied gases.

We attend during loading and discharging at terminals, mooring buoys or ship-to-ship transfer locations to supervise safe and efficient cargo transfer operations as per the latest industry standards.

We ensure that all procedures such as sampling, gas freeing, inerting, tank cleaning, loading and discharging, crude oil washing, ballast operations, tank stripping, blending of homogenous products, obtaining accurate temperatures, calculation of volume of product transferred are done in accordance with the latest SIRE/ISGOTT and API/ASTM guidelines.

As expert witnesses, we ensure that all measurements contained in the report of the third party inspection company are performed according to the API Manual Petroleum Measurement Standards as they relate to Chapter 3 (Tank Gauging), Chapter 5 (Metering), Chapter 7 (Temperature Determination), Chapter 8 (Sampling), Chapter 12 (Calculation of Petroleum Quantities), Chapter 14 (Natural Gas Fluids Measurements), Chapter 17 (Marine Measurements), etc.

We can provide witnessing services during collection, transportation, preparation and testing of samples.

 We document every detail of the operation for our principals’ records to protect their commercial interests and to ensure that any claim that arises is easily mitigated or repudiated. We do this jobs as third parties.



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